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CS Maritimo Geschiedenis en hoogtepunten

CS Maritimo Geschiedenis en hoogtepunten

  • established: 1910.
  • based: Funchal, Madeira.
  • league: Primeira Liga.
  • ground: Estádio do Marítimo.
  • nickname: O Maior das Ilhas (The Greatest of the Islands), Os Verde-Rubros (The Green-and-Reds), Os Leões do Almirante Reis (The Lions of Almirante Reis).
  • chairman: Carlos Pereira.
  • manager: Nuno Manta Santos.
  • captain: Edgar Costa.
  • top scorer: Alex Bunbury (59).
  • top shower: Briguel (312).
  • rivals: Union, C.D.National.
  • honors: 1-Time Campeonato de Portugal/Taca de Portugal Winners.
  • apparel manufacturer: Nike.
  • colors: Red and Green.
  • main sponsor: No sponsor.
  • notable players: Danny, Edgar Costa, Fábio China.
  • team mascot: Claws.
  • last season record: Primeira Liga: 11th Place | Taça de Portugal: 4th Round | Taça da Liga: 3rd Round.

Trivia over CS Maritimo:

  • 1: The fact that the big rival CS Madeira used the royal colors (blue and white) contributed to the adoption of republican colors (green and red).
  • 2: It's the largest club in Madeira with about 24,000 registered members.
  • 3: The club's best achivement is wining the Campeonato de Portugal in 1926.

Informatie over voetbaltickets voor CS Maritimo

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